Tuesday, December 2, 2014

90's lipsticks Esika Natural dune and Marron Bambu labial de larga duracion

Hello guys! Today I want to show you these new 90's lipstick shades. They are perfect for your 90's fix. The 90's has been coming back and it looks like it's here to stay (I hope so!). It's all over the malls, internet, and in our hearts too. I know that for me the 90's were the best times of my life. I grew up with Trolls, glitter in my hair, fake tattoos, platform shoes, Nirvana,Manson, grunge/goth scene, and how could I forget the brown lipstick? My mom was obsessed with it, and even though I preferred black and purple lipstick, I had some brown ones in my makeup stash too. So let me just say that I am in love with the 90's comeback and to celebrate I got these two babies.
These are from the Larga Duracion collection. They are very moisturizing and pigmented. The only down side is that you have to reapply a lot and they tend to bleed a bit so you must use a lip liner. They have no shimmer, which I love.

Marron Bambu: This color is a dark chocolate brown, very elegant and perfect for a grunge look. It's very moisturizing and matte. It has no shimmer and it looks like melted chocolate on your lips. For better application apply with a lip brush and use liner. You will love it if you like browns

Natural Dune: This color is very natural. It's a dirty pink (can I say that 0_o?) and it's very 90's. It has no shimmer and it suits any kind of makeup whether you want to be natural or edgy.

 Top is Natural Dune and bottom is Marron Bambu

And last I leave you with a picture of me rocking Marron Bambu. It does have a filter though so it may look different, but it's stunning.

Oh and I got some new ink and thought i'd show it off ;). My baby bunnies from childhood, in the 90;s :D!

Thanks for stopping by! <3

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Esika Rojo cautivante, Coral sexy, Rosa intense

I am soooo in LOVE with these lipsticks!! They are completely matte and they last forever (ok maybe not forever, but close for a lipstick)! I have done several reviews about these lipsticks because I cannot get enough of them but today I bring you a review on the new shades. They are Rojo Cautivante (<3!!!), Coral sexy, and Rosa intense. These shades came out for the first time in Esika's last catalogue #16.As soon as I saw them I knew they had to be mine. Coral sexy was the first one to sell out, but I managed to score one somehow. When I placed the order they said it was completely sold out, but strangely enough, I ended up receiving one in my package anyway and I am so glad *_*
I haven't worn them on my lips yet but they are the exact texture and scent as the others I have done reviews on. Like I said, these 3 shades are matte and don't have any glitter or sparkles. Here they are!

 From top to bottom: Rojo cautivante, Coral sexy, and Rosa intense 

Rojo Cautivante: It's very similar to Mac's Relentlessly Red but a tad redder. It is also similar to Cyzone's X-tra apple but pinkier. It's a gorgeous, gorgeous color and super pigmented.

Coral sexy: It's a beautiful coral color and very popular in Colombia right now. It's very pigmented and it's similar to Cyzone's X-tra melon but more orange. I really like this shade, although I don't think it's super unique like Rojo cautivante.

Rosa intense: It's a matte pastel pink that reminds me of Mac's pink nouveau but a bit darker. It's a perfect shade for summer. This color with tanned skin would look amazingly sexy. On white girls like me, it just looks adorable :3 

Alright ladies, thanks for reading my blog. I know the last 2 entries were in Spanish; I'm trying to get in touch with my roots, ya know? Lol. I'll randomly switch back and forth to keep things interesting. If it gets annoying, you can always just hit translate ;). Xoxox!


Monday, November 10, 2014

Cyzone X-tra time x-tra Candy, x-tra nude, y x-tra gold nuevos colores de Cyzone

Hola chicas, les cuento que hoy me llegaron los nuevos y muy esperados labiales de Cyzone. Son unos tonos nuevos que salieron en la campa~a 16. Aqui tiene la pagina del catalogo (me toco sacarla del web entonces se ve un poco rara :p. Tuve que hacerle unos arreglos , pero tienen la idea).  No me los he hechado en los labios aun, pero hize swatches y estan hermosos. Son muy parecidos a los colores que ven en catalogo (milagrosamente). Aveces no salen nada parecidos, pero estos si son fieles a las fotos ^_*!

Aqui tienen los mios de Izquierda a derecha: X-tra nude, X-tra Candy, y X-tra gold

Los swatches: El primero de arriba es X-tra Gold, y los de abajo son X-tra Nude, y el de la derecha es X-tra Candy

Estos bebes tienen unos dise~os nuevos de florecitas y de el simbolito de Cyzone en las puntas. Tienen el mismo olor de los otros X-tra time labiales y la misma textura. Espero que les gusten. Ese gold esta super unico y muy bacano. Mas adelante pondre foticos. Gracias por leer :D!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Esika Colorfix Maxtime Oporto,chocolate satin, y Caoba y Cyzone x-tra Peach

Hola chicas, Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que vengo a escribir algo :( y lo siento. La verdad es que he estado muy ocupada. Yo normalmente escribo en ingles, pero decidi tratar de escribir en Espa~ol hoy. Mi gramatica no es muy buena y no tengo tildes ni la ~ en mi computador. Me toca salir a buscar los codigos y -_- que pereza. De todos modos, espero que asi pueda tener mas seguidoras de Latino America ya que Belcorp se enfoca mas en nosotras ;).
Hoy les traigo la rese~a de unos nuevos labiales que consegui. Tengo un monton de labiales nuevos para mostrarles pero he estado muy perezosa con mi blog. Tratare de mejorar jejee. Bueno, estos labiales son unos de mis favoritos en el mundo entero. Me recuerdan mucho a mis otros favoritos que son Mac. Mac ha sido una de mis marcas favoritas en maquillaje por muchos a~os y no habia encontrado algo que se comparara hasta que conoci a estos labiales. Son suuuuperrr *_*!! Es mas, quiero tener toda la coleccion, pero hay unos que no me gustan mucho por que tienen brillo, pero les he dado la oportunidad. Los 3 de hoy tienen brillos, pero los colores son hermosos!

Aqui los swatches:
Caoba, Oporto, y Chocolate Satin <3 (mi fav. de los 3)

Estos colores son perfectos para el oto~o. Son diferentes tonos de cafe. Mi favorito es el Chocolate Satin, aunque tiene muchos brillitos. Creo que si no tuviera brillos seria uno de mis labiales favoritos. Es como un cafe bien cafe. Oporto es el mas oscuro de los 3 y tambien tiene brillos color plata. Es mas vino que cafe. El ultimo es caoba que es como un cafe rojiso. Este se lo regale a mi mama por que no me gusto mucho. Me recuerda un poco a Pimienta Caliente. Tambien tiene brillos. Estos labiales duran horas y horas. Cuando comes tienes que aplicarte de nuevo pero muy poco. Son super!

Este lo quize meter aqui de ultimo por que prometi mostrarles el color hace unos dias...o meses 0_o? De todos modos, es muy hermoso y es muy natural. A mi me queda tirando a naranja pero a otras pieles se les ve mas nude, depende si eres bronceada o tienes la piel mas oscura. Yo soy una leche completamente. Este labial me gusto mucho y la verdad es un poco parecido a Color Match Durazno Glam de Esika, pero este es mas nude. Estos labiales me gustan mucho y son muy durareros. Los dejo con la foto! Aqui se ve mas oscurito por el filtro de foto, pero a mi me queda muy naranja. Bueno chicas, gracias por leer!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Esika Perfect Match Labial en Durazno Glam y Rosa Candy

Hello beautiful people! I just want to thank everyone for stopping by my blog :). I truly appreciate it and I hope it helps you in some way. Today I want to bring you the review on the Esika Perfect Match lipsticks. I already did a review in Coral Seduction but today I bring you Durazno Glam and Rosa Candy. I've had them put away for a while and decided it was time to bring them out. These lipsticks are truly incredible. They last a very long time and like I said in the past, the lip liner is very hard to remove! They are double sided and one side is a liquid lip liner and the other is a matte lipstick.

Here you can see the liners and lipstick:

Rosa Candy: This is a yellow based light pink that is almost identical to Esika's hidracolor Rosa Romantica and Smashbox's sweet lipstick.

Durazno Glam: To be honest I don't have any lipsticks like this one. It's a very unique color. It's a dark peachy orangey color. Mac's Peach stock is a tiny bit similar, but this one is more orange.The picture doesn't do justice on how beautiful this color is. In my opinion, this color is one of a kind. The only color that I think truly comes close is Cyzone's xtra peach, which I bought and I am expecting tomorrow.

Here are the lip swatches. In the picture I am only wearing the lipstick and not the liner. The liners are the exact same color.

So there you have them ladies! If you get the chance to purchase them, I highly recommend them especially Durazno Glam. I am in love with it! Xoxo


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lipstick Esika labial Hidracolor 2 en 1

Hello there! So today I bring you the new Esika Hidracolor lipsticks. I have been looking for reviews about these on google like a mad woman and only found one! So I ended up buying most of the collection because I am a crazy hoarder (haha!) and decided to make a review.These lipsticks promise to hydrate your lips and keep them protected with aloe micro gels. They also promise high pigmentation in every swatch. I have been using them for a couple of weeks now and I do have to say that their formula feels like butter on your lips. They also give this strange "cool" feeling, like water on your lips. I can't even explain how they feel, they just feel different than any lipstick I've tried before. I could literally sit there all day and continuously apply it on my lips over and over because they feel SO good on my lips! I personally love super dry matte lipsticks, but on days when my lips feel dry like prunes (ew), I like to use these and they do the job. Their pigmentation is high and bright like promised. All the ones I have are matte except for one- Naranja Primavera. The only downside about these guys is that since they hydrating, they tend to come off easily with food and drinks so I have to reapply it a lot. On to the colors!

 Swatches from top to bottom: Fucsia cautivante, Frambuesa mania, Rojo deseo, Rosa romantica, and Naranja primavera


 These are the bright colors and like I mentioned before, all of these colors are matte with the exception of Naranja Primavera which has tiny gold micro glitter. They are all very pigmented as you can see. They are true to the color on the packaging. Now on to the darker colors...

Swatches from left to right: Marron glamour, Pimienta Caliente, Borgo~a Sexy, and Granate seductor

I give these lipsticks a 10/10. They do what they promise to do and they a pleasant scent. My favorite so far is Marron glamour. It's a 90's brown and I love it! My least favorite is Pimienta Caliente. In the catalog it looked like a dark burgundy, but it's a brownish red. I ended up giving it to my mother and she loves it. In my previous review on Cyzone, I am wearing Borgo~a sexy in the last picture of my hair cut ;). Anyways, enjoy and hope this helps someone!


Sunday, September 14, 2014

New X-tra time and Color Code Cyzone lipsticks :3

Hello lovelies! I have some new lipsticks to show you. I have been ordering so many and I just need time to show them, which now I have plenty of because I had my wisdom teeth removed :( and I am in recovery (worst pain ever). I think I took too long to remove them because I should of done this when I was a teenager and now I am in my 20's :.(, so don't wait too long if you need to have them removed!!

Anyways, these babies I have here are from Cyzone. The colors are from left to right as follows: x-tra apple, x-tra melon, circus berry, and circus pink (pictured below).

 I want to begin by saying that these lipsticks are very pigmented. I did a review on other colors in another post, but these are new colors I recently added to my collection. I have to say that the X-tra time colors are a bit thicker in texture (creamier?) and not as glossy as the Circus ones. I prefer the X-tra time ones over the Circus collection because I don't like to continuously re apply my lipstick.

Swatches from top to bottom are as follows: Circus pink, Circus Berry, x-tra melon, and x-tra apple

Me wearing X-tra apple! : >

I really like these colors. they are bright and moisturizing. My favorite is X-tra apple :). It's a very unique red. I can't even describe it. It's not like any red I own, and I have a lot of reds. If you decide to buy the Circus ones, you'll have to reapply it a bit more than the x-tra ones. They tend to leave a stain on your lips though, but the stain is usually pink and not the color of the lipstick..if that makes any sense.

Ok, Moving on, I have here the Color Code lipsticks from Cyzone. These are cheaper than any other lipsticks from the Cyzone catalogue. They are glossier and less pigmented but I think they are pretty good for their price. They have a sweet smell and they tend to stain your lips too. I have these new colors that came out and they are just beautiful! My favorite is Coral color. It's the perfect coral color I have been looking for, king of nudish but also bright and matte.

From left to right we have Coral color, hot pink color, and fucsia color
 Swatches from top to bottom are as follows: Fucsia color, hot pink color, and coral color

I hope you enjoyed the colors ^-^ ! Oh and before I say bye bye, I leave you a pic of my new hair cut and yummy cotton candy! I couldn't be happier, I feel so free. It had been years since I got a hair cut.
- <3